As an insurer, your primary functions are to sell policies, collect premium and pay claims. But you are not alone. There is a host of partnerships in the form of direct clients, brokers, underwriting managers and reinsurers. And the flow of transactions must include premiums, fees, commissions and claims at each of the partnership levels; importantly also at reinsurance level. Your results are measured at Net of Reinsurance, so it is of utmost importance that reinsurance is handled accurately in order to arrive at an accurate Net result.
Your business model is complex. The turnover of your product is determined before the cost is known, so it is important to have relevant, critical and key information available at your fingertips, to measure portfolio performance and to assist in the decision making process.
Our system will not run your business for you… we leave that task to you, but we do understand your flow of work and would recommend the Footprint Insurance Solution as your practical solution. Read More